LowFruits Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for LowFruits

How does the KWFinder fetch keyword ideas from Google?

Keyword ideas are fetched straight from the Google Auto Suggest API + some other Google sources (secret ?). 

More than 250 modifiers are used around your seed keyword to try and extract as many keyword ideas as possible, with a focus on high-intent keywords.

A few examples of the modifiers used : “how to”, “best”, “top”, “review”, “vs”, “why”, “when”, “what”, “idea”, “for” “alternative”, “beginner”, … and also some more advanced ones : “how to … when”, “wow to … if”, …

All keyword ideas found are queries that users type in Google (i.e. there are real people searching for them).

Note: Monthly and yearly subscribers receive a boosted version of KWFinder. The tool utilizes over 1000 modifiers around your seed keyword, providing you with a greater variety of keyword ideas.

Last updated on

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