Rank for More Keywords Simultaneously with LowFruits' Keyword Clustering Tool

Leave no stone unturned.

Discover related keywords you can cover with the same article, avoid cannibalization, and prove to Google that you deserve to rank #1.

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How does keyword clustering help your SEO?

Cover multiple keywords with one page

Keyword clustering groups similar keywords into clusters based on their shared intent and association, using real-time SERP data.

This means you can target a broad range of relevant search queries, and reinforce your SEO by ranking for multiple secondary keywords.

Imagine you have a website about fitness products.

Instead of focusing on individual keywords like "fitness tracker," "workout routine," and "healthy diet," keyword clustering allows you to identify related terms and organize them into clusters such as:

  • "Best fitness tracker with a heart rate monitor"
  • "Cardio workouts at home"
  • "Keto diet meal plan"

Advanced SEO? You can define your own clustering thresholds.

Rank for multiple keywords at the same time

Producing content takes time - and money.

Don't target individual keywords with separate pages.

Instead, let LowFruits generate your clusters and target multiple related keywords with one content piece.

Easily identify content gaps

Is your content thorough enough?

Keyword clusters show you which topics and sub-topics you should cover in your content, so you provide maximum topic coverage with no extra research work.

Avoid keyword cannibalization

Don’t compete with your own pages in the SERPs!
Discover keywords that share the same intent, and cover them with the same piece of content to avoid internal competition and rank faster.


Keyword clusters group similar keywords into clusters based on their semantic relevance and topical association.

Using advanced algorithms, LowFruits analyzes the relationships between keywords, identifying clusters that share similar meanings or address related topics.

This allows you to organize your keyword data, uncover content opportunities, and optimize your content strategy.

Keyword clustering helps you identify content gaps and opportunities by understanding the broader topics within your niche. By organizing your keywords into clusters, you can create more comprehensive content that addresses a range of related search queries.

This leads to improved SEO performance, higher search rankings, and increased organic traffic as your content becomes more relevant and valuable to your audience.

Keyword clustering focuses on the frequency of specific, exact keywords in a collection of pages like the SERP. We look at the number of shared URLs for each keyword (e.g., Page A appears for Keyword 1 and Keyword 2), which means that Google tells us these keywords have a shared intent.

Semantic clustering, on the other hand, looks at the semantics – not the intent.

For example, it’d cluster “Apple movie” (people who want to access the Apple movie app) and “Apple movies” (people who want to find movies on Apple Movie) into the same group

LowFruits will group keywords that share 40% or more SERPs, meaning that the intent behind them is the same.

Utilizing keyword clusters starts with running a keyword search with LowFruits.

After the tool analyzes your keyword data, it’ll suggest additional related keywords and group them into clusters.

Then, you can leverage the insights in various ways:

  • Identify high-potential keywords with low competition within a cluster and create targeted content around them.
  • Discover long-tail keyword opportunities to engage users with specific intent.
  • Refine your content strategy to ensure it aligns with the clusters and the search intent.

LowFruits uses different methods to identify keyword clusters. The main method we use is 40% shared URLs among the top 10 search results.

Yes! You can set your own clustering thresholds in the “Clustering” tab of each keyword report.

Use the main, most competitive keywords as your pillar pages. Then, create content pages for each cluster and interlink them with other pages (and the pillar). This way, you’ll have a clear topical map to get started with.

For example, if your main keyword is “scuba diving equipment,” your clusters might look something like this:

  • Scuba diving regulators (Keywords in the cluster: [Brand] regulators, 2nd stage regulators)
  • Scuba diving fins (Keywords in the cluster: Types of scuba diving fins, [Brand] scuba fins)
  • Scuba wetsuits (Keywords in the cluster: [Brand] wetsuits, 5mm wetsuits)
Create 1x page for each of these clusters with the cluster keywords as sub-topics.

On average, you should see about 5-10 keywords in a cluster, but that greatly depends on the search volume for the main keyword and your industry.

Yes, it does. Whenever you analyze a keyword, you’ll see search intent, volume, weak spots, word count, SERP features, and other relevant data to help you create great content for that keyword and cluster.

Yes, you can export keyword clusters from LowFruits as spreadsheets.

Some secondary keywords are “big” enough to warrant coverage with your H2 or H3 headings. However, you can use the close variants of the main keyword inside the content paragraphs.

"Definitely the sweetest apple in the orchard!
LowFruits is incredibly easy to use, plug-and-play."
Lana from cupofcopyaudits.com
tesimonial Lana
"LowFruits is an uncovered gem! An excellent tool for digital marketers, content specialists, bloggers, and SEO gurus looking to unlock the potential of low competition keywords.
A vital tool for modern search optimisation techniques
Sam Pettiford from betterranking.co.uk
tesimonial Sam
"LowFruits provides you with an actionable set of low competition keywords that you can rank for quickly. No need to spend time with bloated SEO tools anymore."
Mushfiq from TheWebsiteFlip
tesimonial Mushfiq S

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